今日のフレーズは「cut back on」です。
MAMA SOLIS: I don’t see why you have her.
GABRIELLE: It’s a big house. I need help.
MAMA SOLIS: It’s only called help when you do some of the work yourself.
GABRIELLE: I supervise.
MAMA SOLIS: You pay her $300 a week. That’s $15,000 a year. Carlos, you always say how you’re not putting away enough for retirement!
CARLOS: You know, baby, it would be a good idea if we cut back on expenses.
GABRIELLE: You expect me to take care of this place all by myself?
CARLOS: Other women manage…
「It’s a big house. I need help.(大きい家だから、助けがいるのよ)」と言い放つガブリエルに対し、義理のお母さんの「It’s only called help when you do some of the work yourself.(自分で何かしらやってこそ初めて助けと呼ぶのよ=何もしていないんだから「助け」と呼べないでしょ)」というセリフはもっともすぎて笑えますね 😆
Chandler: You know what? You know what? I think we’re making too big a deal out of this. ok? So we pay our bills a little late this month and maybe next month we cut back on a few things. And maybe we start eating out of Joey’s refrigerator for a change. You’re chef… what can you make out of baking soda and beer?
最後のセリフの「You’re chef… what can you make out of baking soda and beer?(君はシェフだろ。ベーキングソーダ(重曹)とビールを使って何を作れる?)」がチャンドラーらしくて笑えますね。どんなすごいシェフでも重曹とビールじゃ何もできないでしょう。。。